

Houston breast reconstruction surgeon Dr. Aldona Spiegel specializes in microsurgical breast reconstruction techniques like the DIEP Flap procedure. These advanced techniques utilize the patient's own living tissue to recreate a soft, natural breast. View before & after photos of DIEP Flap procedures performed by Dr. Spiegel at the Center for Breast Restoration in Houston, Texas.


Elyn Jacobs is a breast cancer survivor and certified cancer coach. When she was faced with a mastectomy she made several decisions to help her get the best treatment for her specific cancer. After going through the experience herself, she now shares her wisdom with others just like her so they don't have to feel like she did. See more from Elyn at Elyn can also be found at Click Here & Get The 15 Breast Cancer Questions To Ask Your Doctor Breast Cancer Answers is a social media show where viewers submit a question and get the answer from an expert. Submit your question now at, This information should


The Myself: Together Again story of delayed breast reconstruction following double mastectomy surgery that appears on this video was inspired by Debbie*, who agreed to have the process photographed so that other young women like her could get an idea of what to expect. Visit the website for more information
Produced by Barton Creek Creative

8:22 This Breast Reconstruction Info video series is brought to you by Myself Together Again. Visit our website for more information at

We are excited to bring you more of Sherri's journey in the 2nd video below. In this video Sherri is 4 days out from her prophylactic mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. Sherri's plastic surgeon was able to expand her up to 300cc's on each side using a Natralle expander. Sherri still has her drains in at this point and is slightly swollen from the surgery. We are so grateful to Sherri for allowing us to document her journey and bring to all of our viewers an up close look into the process of immediate reconstruction

1:31 is a gallery of me. This is raw. If you do not want to see what a person looks like after a mastectomy, please don't click play and watch the slideshow. Like I said...I'm documenting every step of this for (myself a little) other women out there who want to prepare themselves if they are diagnosed, know someone who is or just plain getting my word out there. It sucks. It hurts. It's depressing. But I will survive. I will beat the shit out of this. One round knocked down can't keep this fighter down long..


The Myself: Together Again story of delayed breast reconstruction following double mastectomy surgery that appears on this video was inspired by Debbie*, who agreed to have the process photographed so that other young women like her could get an idea of what to expect. Visit our website for more information at Produced by Barton Creek Creative
