

Cannabis and marijuana, real cure for melanoma


Penn Medicine's Abramson Cancer Center has developed a 4-part video series, Melanoma Treatment: A Patient video Guide in order to increase awareness of treatment options for all stages of melanoma so that patients are knowledgeable and empowered during their cancer journey. In the first of this 4-part series, melanoma patients discuss coping skills that helped them, their caregivers and loved ones through their cancer journey.


Create Cake Magic! Learn to make the cakes you've always dreamed of with online courses from CakeMade. Watch more How to Prevent Skin Cancer videos: Learn about skin cancer from board-certified dermatologist Ahmet Altiner in this Howcast video. Skin cancer is abnormal proliferation of cells that make up the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. The majority of the cells are keratinocytes, but there are also melanocytes, merkel cells, and many other cells that make up the skin. When these cells grow disproportionate to what they should be growing, they form bumps and lumps, and some of the time, these can form a skin cancer. The majority of skin cancers we think about are grouped into two groups, melanoma, and non-melanoma. Melanoma is the most notorious one because it can cause severe mortality or morbidity, unlike non-melanoma skin cancers which are much more
