Why I Chose Mastectomy & DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Instead of Lumpectomy & Radiation

7 years ago
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Kim Galt says that her decision to avoid radiation was the best decision she could have made for herself. After undergoing lumpectomy, radiation was recommended to complete her breast cancer treatment. After researching her options, she opted instead for skin-sparing mastectomies and immediate breast reconstruction with DIEP flaps. Watch as Kim discusses her breast cancer diagnosis, the reasons for her choices, and life after mastectomy and DIEP flap reconstruction. Learn more about your breast reconstruction options at http://PRMA-enhance.com, or by calling us today on 800.692.5565. Follow us: http://facebook.com/PRMAplasticsurgery https://plus.google.com/+PRMA-enhance http://twitter.com/DiepFlapBreast Contact us: PRMA | Center for Advanced Breast Reconstruction San Antonio, Texas http://PRMA-enhance.com (800) 692-5565 patientadvocate@prmaplasticsurgery.com