Emory Winship Cancer Institute


Dr. H. Jean Khoury of the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University discusses hematological disorders and blood cancers, including various treatment options and resources available through National Cancer Institute designated cancer centers, such as the Winship Cancer Institute. For more information about the Winship Cancer Institute, visit: https://winshipcancer.emory.edu/


On February 4th, World Cancer Day, Winship joins the efforts of international health organizations to promote ways to ease the global burden of cancer. As part of an international community of doctors and scientists, Winship advances cancer research and treatment through the sharing of knowledge and experience. Walter J. Curran, Jr., MD, Winship's executive director, describes global research Winship is involved in and its impact. About Dr. Curran: Walter J. Curran, Jr. was appointed Executive Director of the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University in September 2009. He joined Emory in January 2008, as the Lawrence W. Davis Professor and Chair of Radiation Oncology and Chief Medical Officer of the Winship Cancer Institute. To learn more , visit: http://winshipcancer.emory.edu


The Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University made strides in many areas this year; enrolling over 800 patients in new therapeutic trials, breaking ground on the Emory Proton Therapy Ctr., and many exciting research discoveries to name just a few. This short video highlights some of Winship's milestones and accomplishments in 2013. http://winshipcancer.emory.edu
