Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center


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In 2014, Valerie was diagnosed with locally advanced breast cancer. In this short film directed by award-winning filmmaker David Gelb, see how science not only saved her life, but allowed her to continue her journey as a wife, mother, and special education teacher.

{partial transcript}

I love the idea of being able to impact someone’s life, to change it forever. I wanted to be that teacher for my students so that when they graduate, I want them to go back and say: “Mrs. Hamilton always told me that I was valuable – that I have value and worth in my life.”

I was here in this room and I remember I was leaning on the wall. And I sobbed. And sobbed. Because, I felt afraid. And because I didn’t want to leave here – I didn’t want to


Providing end-of-life care for a family member or friend with cancer can be an equally rewarding and challenging job. Carol Krueger, a social worker at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center offers advice for people who are caring for a family member or friend with cancer, and explains how supportive services such as counseling, spiritual guidance, or bereavement therapy can help caregivers cope with the demands of this role.

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Although radiation therapy is often an effective method for killing cancer cells, it can also damage nearby blood vessels that nourish muscles, nerves, and bones, says cancer rehabilitation specialist Michael Stubblefield of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. This can result in a progressive condition called radiation fibrosis syndrome, which causes a variety of complications affecting nerves, muscles, and bones. A number of factors, including the patient's age during treatment, other treatments he or she may have received, and the patient's overall health, can have an impact on the onset and severity of this condition.


Each year, about 17,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with a primary brain tumor (a tumor that arises in the brain). According to Lisa DeAngelis, Chief of Neurology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the cause of a brain tumor is usually unknown, and symptoms are related to the tumor's location in the brain. Multidisciplinary collaboration is critical to ensuring that patients receive the most effective treatment possible without damaging healthy areas of the brain.

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Many cancers have a strong genetic component, particularly in certain ethnic groups. While the proportion of people with a family history of cancer is small, the overall number of those who develop cancer due to inherited factors is very large, according to clinical genetics expert Kenneth Offit of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. People who have a strong family history of cancer may wish to consider having genetic testing to identify their individual risk.


Craig B. Thompson, President and CEO of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, discusses new ways to think about cancer and how cancer arises in human beings.


Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center integrative medicine expert Dr. Kathleen Wesa explains why antioxidants should be avoided during radiation therapy, the benefits of vitamin D, how phytoestrogens can contribute to cancer recurrence, and how to identify a reputable supplier of supplements. The Center's Integrative Medicine specialists are available for consultations on best complementary therapy practices, she says.

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Sergio Giralt, Chief of Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Adult Bone Marrow Transplant Service, has been recognized for his achievements in the field of bone marrow transplantation with an award presented by GMA's Robin Roberts.
