How I survived terminal cancer w/ alternative cancer treatments

8 years ago
Team Xplore's picture

What really happens when someone has cancer therapy and they get home? What do their friends and family say? What happens when they try to eat an organic diet when no one else at home is? What happens when the whole family wants to go to Burger King and you stay home? Rick Hill knows what this is like and more because he underwent alternative cancer therapy 38 years ago after being diagnosed with stage three, high-grade embryonal cell carcinoma (cancer of the lymph system). Hill tells it like it is in this engaging video and offers real solutions to long term health. Most of all, he challenges cancer survivors to find a meaningful crusade in their life once returning home to make their life count. "After all," Rick says, "we didn't survive terminal cancer to make daisy chains..." To learn more about alternative cancer treatments at Oasis of Hope, or to request a free consultation visit